Japan, Okinawa, Pentax 645D, Photography
Comments 3

Kishiwada Danjiri – The Action

Kishiwada Danjri, Osaka

Kishiwada Danjri, Osaka

It’s the job of some men to drag the danjiri through the streets, while other men get to ride along.

Kishiwada Danjri, Osaka

Kishiwada Danjri, Osaka

The above photo is clear evidence that I was standing where I shouldn’t be standing! The large group of men in the left of the image are just about to stampede past.

Kishiwada Danjiri, Osaka

Kishiwada Danjiri, Osaka

The man on the roof of the danjiri jumps from side to side and performs something similar to YMCA as they hurtle through the streets.


  1. I think I stood in the same place last year,bloody great golf range behind giving the whole scene a green, netty feel. Great shots though. last year I saw a window I really want to be at next time I go, just on the corner at about 1 O’clock from where you were standing, looking down the street. Great matsuri, the locals invite and help you take pictures, great fun, total madness. Love the the face of the man in the sunlight in the top pic.

  2. I could feel the energy exuding from the photos.
    The last time I was there, I was standing on the opposite side but unfortunately the sun was shining in my direction. I ended up taking photos of the back of the danjiri where the light was better!

  3. Pingback: 2010 Photo Highlights « Chris Willson's Blog

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